Jupiter River
The Jupiter River is the queen of Anticosti Island's salmon rivers. With a length of 79 kilometers, it is fed by 10 tributaries and drains a large watershed of some 970 square kilometers. It rises in the center of the island in a series of lakes and ponds, before rushing into a canyon with walls up to 100 meters high. Its flow is moderate upstream and rapid downstream.
This world-class salmon river alone provides around 30% of Anticosti Island's potential Atlantic salmon spawning and rearing habitat, and is home to almost 30% of the island's adult salmon. Its turquoise waters have attracted, and continue to attract, many celebrities. One of the first to fish here for sport was its owner, Frenchman Henri Meunier, in 1895.
Of the more than 70 pools along the Jupiter River, 30 are open to anglers today. The Société des établissements de plein air du Québec (Sépaq), the mandated manager, offers an exceptional playground, where, on a bed composed mainly of pebbles and cobbles, the crystal-clear water makes salmon visible from the surface and fishing particularly captivating.